What’s the difference between someone who gets things done and overcomes challenges and someone who doesn’t?
Focus, determination, persistence, deadlines is what immediately comes to my mind…..
What about you? What qualities came to mind?
And when dealing with the challenges faced by businesses and organisations, I believe the role of the leader has a great impact on how challenges are met and dealt with.
I boiled down the big list of things I came up with down to seven key qualities found in the person who gets things done, consistently. That’s important too, not to meet and overcome challenges once, but consistently.
1. Clarity on your destination
When the leader communicates a clear picture of what the company exists to do, they maintain a constant momentum and movement to achieve that result. When clear communication is lacking, people can become demotivated, detached and even lose interest in their roles. People work much better when they understand what is expected of them at work and how their role fits into the bigger picture.
Ask your people what your company exists for and how that aligns with their own personal desires. And if it doesn’t match with your vision, make sure they know and understand what that is and embrace it and fully engage with it.
2. Enthusiasm for what it’s all for
We become energised and excited for lots of different reasons, but if why you do what you do is really important for you, then you will be driven by desire and not have to worry about how to motivate your people. Your enthusiasm for your why will communicate itself to your people and infect them too.
Our businesses are either growing or dying, as are we. Becoming clear on why you do what you do will give you more motivation than reading any book or listening to any motivational speaker. The real fire in your belly is lit by you.
3. Plan for results
Although I sometimes struggle with the detail of a plan, it’s always good to have at least a rough outline with milestones (items that have to be completed before the starting the next) and deadlines before you take any action. This helps you see the path for your journey and the individual tasks to be done to ensure you are heading in the right direction and staying on time. The more people involved in the work, the more important that they all have a good idea where they are headed and the pit stops along the way.
4. Sense of Urgency
Work with a sense of urgency – my favourite urgency tip is to think like you are going on holiday tomorrow, just watch everything just get done in half the normal time as you become super focussed. I’ve often heard it said that if we worked like this every day we would only need to work a three day week!
5. Whenever you can, Delegate
Delegation, for me is the secret for success. Getting as much off your desk and onto someone else’s leaves you time to focus on what needs to be done at a higher level. You know, the planning, the goal setting, the staff development, all the tasks that are often left until you have more time to do it, left because other stuff shouts louder. The stuff someone else can do.
6. Development
When budgets get cut often training is one of the first areas to go. However with more able staff, you can get out, creating relationships with others who have the potential to help your business grow. The better trained your people are, the easier it is to delegate.
7. Enjoy the journey
Life is all about having fun and your business is a big part of that. There is no point in experiencing a journey that you are not enjoying, that is not challenging you and that you are not learning from. Watch out for shiny sparkly things that will try and pull you of course, learn to say no more often. Keep your improved focus and clarity on where you want to be, and go to work.
It sounds easy but it requires some work. Being aware of what you should do and getting into the habit of doing it is very different and as usual, everything starts with our thinking.
If you like this, please use it. You may want to add some of your own ideas about getting stuff done, but don’t spend too long on thinking about what might be needed and just get on with doing it.
Remember being aware of something enables us to take responsibility for it and once we do that, we can change our world.
Seven Secrets to Navigating Challenges
What’s the difference between someone who gets things done and overcomes challenges and someone who doesn’t?
Focus, determination, persistence, deadlines is what immediately comes to my mind…..
What about you? What qualities came to mind?
And when dealing with the challenges faced by businesses and organisations, I believe the role of the leader has a great impact on how challenges are met and dealt with.
I boiled down the big list of things I came up with down to seven key qualities found in the person who gets things done, consistently. That’s important too, not to meet and overcome challenges once, but consistently.
1. Clarity on your destination
When the leader communicates a clear picture of what the company exists to do, they maintain a constant momentum and movement to achieve that result. When clear communication is lacking, people can become demotivated, detached and even lose interest in their roles. People work much better when they understand what is expected of them at work and how their role fits into the bigger picture.
Ask your people what your company exists for and how that aligns with their own personal desires. And if it doesn’t match with your vision, make sure they know and understand what that is and embrace it and fully engage with it.
2. Enthusiasm for what it’s all for
We become energised and excited for lots of different reasons, but if why you do what you do is really important for you, then you will be driven by desire and not have to worry about how to motivate your people. Your enthusiasm for your why will communicate itself to your people and infect them too.
Our businesses are either growing or dying, as are we. Becoming clear on why you do what you do will give you more motivation than reading any book or listening to any motivational speaker. The real fire in your belly is lit by you.
3. Plan for results
Although I sometimes struggle with the detail of a plan, it’s always good to have at least a rough outline with milestones (items that have to be completed before the starting the next) and deadlines before you take any action. This helps you see the path for your journey and the individual tasks to be done to ensure you are heading in the right direction and staying on time. The more people involved in the work, the more important that they all have a good idea where they are headed and the pit stops along the way.
4. Sense of Urgency
Work with a sense of urgency – my favourite urgency tip is to think like you are going on holiday tomorrow, just watch everything just get done in half the normal time as you become super focussed. I’ve often heard it said that if we worked like this every day we would only need to work a three day week!
5. Whenever you can, Delegate
Delegation, for me is the secret for success. Getting as much off your desk and onto someone else’s leaves you time to focus on what needs to be done at a higher level. You know, the planning, the goal setting, the staff development, all the tasks that are often left until you have more time to do it, left because other stuff shouts louder. The stuff someone else can do.
6. Development
When budgets get cut often training is one of the first areas to go. However with more able staff, you can get out, creating relationships with others who have the potential to help your business grow. The better trained your people are, the easier it is to delegate.
7. Enjoy the journey
Life is all about having fun and your business is a big part of that. There is no point in experiencing a journey that you are not enjoying, that is not challenging you and that you are not learning from. Watch out for shiny sparkly things that will try and pull you of course, learn to say no more often. Keep your improved focus and clarity on where you want to be, and go to work.
It sounds easy but it requires some work. Being aware of what you should do and getting into the habit of doing it is very different and as usual, everything starts with our thinking.
If you like this, please use it. You may want to add some of your own ideas about getting stuff done, but don’t spend too long on thinking about what might be needed and just get on with doing it.
Remember being aware of something enables us to take responsibility for it and once we do that, we can change our world.