Unexpected Accident - miworld

Unexpected Accident

I found myself observing the unfortunate people who had dropped into ‘accident and emergency’ on Friday night. I was lucky enough to be accompanying a friend who hurt her foot – so I had no fears about my own health.

People were holding sore arms, limping with painful feet or holding a patch against a sore eye. One thing the receptionist said on arrival really resonated with me –

“You’ll have a long time to wait, the festival is on!”

It took me right to the High Street, where party revellers were enjoying the nice weather, the street performers and the beer all going on with the Edinburgh festival. The things most of us would associate the festival with. However there is another side, where some people were totally unaware that in a couple of hour’s time, they would be sitting in my chair, with a need to see a doctor, because of an unforeseen incident.

I felt truly grateful for the moment I was in – and thinking that your life can suddenly change in a moment made me want to share that with you and get you thinking about what you are truly grateful for – right here, right now.


(Photograph credited to Ingy The Wingy)

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