Who Else Wants a Holiday?


Welcome back to miview,

The reason I am in business to support others who want bigger, better stronger businesses; businesses that have good solid foundations from which they may grow, expanding in people, systems and structure.

 It may surprise you to learn that one of the first things we put into place is time off!

 You see, for you to be able to be focussed, strong and energetic, your body needs time to rest, reflect and relax.  It’s important to give your mind and body a holiday from the routine and struggle that being in business can bring.

 As always, knowing something in your head is one thing, but to experience it in your heart is something quite different.

 Last month I had the privilege of my niece and her friend crossing the Atlantic from Canada to stay for 10 days and it gave me the unusual opportunity to holiday in my hometown.

 I actually took two weeks off work, proudly showed off the sights of my wonderful city. We took photographs of the best Edinburgh had to offer, from Princes Street gardens, the top of Arthur seat and Carlton Hill.

 We partied with friends and family, enjoyed ice cream on the promenade at Portobello beach and wondered at the wildlife in the zoo. We even ventured over to fantastic Fife for fish and chips. We stayed up late chatting and reminiscing and had long lies in every morning.

 We did things I don’t normally get the chance to do!

 All enhanced by the phenomenal sunshine and the humour of the girls together.

 OK, I hear you say – you had a great holiday but what’s the point.

 It was a stark reminder of the benefits of a complete change from what had become my routine.

 I know many people in business who would not be comfortable taking that amount of time away from work. But here’s a question for you:

 What are you doing the work for?

 We sometimes need to just remind our self why we wanted to go into business in the first place, what made us take that leap from “I might” to “Could I?” to “I will” and then actually followed through with it.

 If you are doing something you are passionate about – or were passionate about it when you started – then take some time to appreciate that you are one of the few who have work you love to do. Not many people can say that.

 No matter how much you love your work, your body benefits greatly from some sort of holiday – whether it is a trip away, a stay at home or just some time to yourself, it is an opportunity to recharge, refresh and reconnect to that passion that brought you into your business in the first place. You come back with a new sense of energy to face the future!

 Finally, if you can’t afford the time or money to take two weeks off then take two days off and if you can’t do that at least plan two hours of doing something just for you, because you deserve it and because you can.

 You know it makes sense in your head and when you feel the benefit in your heart and soul you may find that you ask yourself the same question that I asked of myself –“how can I make sure I do this more often?”

Till the next time,

 Kind Regards,

 Jane Quinn


 P.S. One more thing…..don’t keep us a secret, please share this.

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